“We learn to enjoy each day’s beautiful moments and we understand that hope is essential for our happiness.” A quote from Émilie, Xavier’s mother. Being diagnosed with Leukodystrophy is a huge shock for parents and children. The Foundation supports families during this trying time and encourages them to not lose hope. ”
Being diagnosed with Leukodystrophy is a huge shock for parents and children. The Foundation supports families during this trying time and encourages them to not lose hope.
Here is some useful information.
Ressources et services
Deuil-Jeunesse is a valuable partner for our Foundation. It is a professional intervention organization in Quebec that helps young people and adults through illnesses, the disappearance or death of a loved one, or other losses due to parental separation, abandonment, or adoption. For help, please contact deuil-jeunesse.com
Helpful Links (French only)
- Projet Myéline
- United Leukodystrophy Foundation
- Fédération des maladies orphelines
- On roule
- Guide des besoins en soutien aux familles