Hope for life!


Logo The Canadian Foundation - Leukodystrophy

“We learn to enjoy each day’s beautiful moments and we understand that hope is essential for our happiness.” A quote from Émilie, Xavier’s mother. Being diagnosed with Leukodystrophy is a huge shock for parents and children. The Foundation supports families during this trying time and encourages them to not lose hope. ”

Being diagnosed with Leukodystrophy is a huge shock for parents and children. The Foundation supports families during this trying time and encourages them to not lose hope.

Here is some useful information.


Ressources et services

logo deuil jeunesse

Deuil-Jeunesse is a valuable partner for our Foundation. It is a professional intervention organization in Quebec that helps young people and adults through illnesses, the disappearance or death of a loved one, or other losses due to parental separation, abandonment, or adoption. For help, please contact deuil-jeunesse.com


Helpful Links (French only)