Hope for life!


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William Gonthier
April 25, 1995

William Gonthier (21 years old)
Born April 25, 1995 – Died October 14, 2014

4H Syndrome

My Dear William,

We were so happy the day you were born. You were our second child in a family of four: you had an older sister and two younger brothers. You started having tremors at a year old and didn’t walk until you were 22 months old. Your doctors told us at this point about a mild cerebral paralysis. You began treatments in physiotheraphy, ergotheraphy, and orthophony and you began to life the almost normal life of a little boy. However, at 6 years old, your state deteriorated and after we met with your neurologist, we received the diagnostic that would change our lives. Our beautiful little boy suffered from leukodystrophy. Everything fell apart around us. This disease would take away everything that you worked so hard to achieve and you were going to die. You provided us with an important life lesson because of your remarkable personality. Always in a good mood, you were an example to everyone you met. Whenever your health allowed, you went to school. You loved being around friends and nobody could resist your charm. Your disease was very challenging but you never complained. You left us October 14 2014 at 19 years old. The last few years, you were a prisoner in your own body. You couldn’t even move your hands. You were often hospitalized and even in the midst of pain, you were always smiling and happy until your death. We love you, William, and we will never forget you. Please look out for your family, especially your little brother Olivier who, in 2008, was diagnosed with the same disease as you.

Your mom Johanne, Dad Martin, Audrey, Olivier, and Matthew